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January 09, 2009


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Leah Kanter

My favorite is an extra dirty Kettle One martini, but since that always sounds dirty (slutty) when ordering from a male waiter, I have renamed this the "Leah has the Giggles Again Martini." (No, i don't actually cal it this, I just try to use my most monotone vice when ordering.) Remember these wise words (warning) of Michelle before drinking: "One is never enough, and three is too many!"

(not an official recipe - just my haphazard way of making it.)
Use a martini glass to measure. Fill with ice. Pour Kettle One to almost top of glass. Pour the contents of the cup into a shaker. Add more ice. Add a nice amount of Olive juice. Shake until ice is bruised (just shake really hard). I don't put olives in, but feel free to do so for effect. Yummm...TGIF!

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