Greetings, Lüp Nation! The time has finally come for me to offer up my first blog entry here on the Lüp site. As other bloggers here have mentioned, I'm no blogger. I respect blogs. I like some blogs. I even check a few out regularly (which I never thought I would be one to do). But to write for one? Don't you need to have some kind of "cool" license to do that? Shouldn't I have a "voice" or "point of view" or something? As these thoughts start to work inside my head, I start realizing something....
I am REALLY hungover this morning. wow. like, really.
So, in celebration of cocktails (and oh how I love to celebrate them – right into my gullet) and as a tribute to Friday afternoons when you just don't feel like doing work or being too terribly serious... I'm making my blog post "interactive" – I'm going to share with you one of my favorite cocktail recipes (created by yours truly), and then you post yours as a "comment." By the end of the weekend, we should have a pretty nice little list of delicious drinks... helping us all to stay well socially lubricated in '09. Think of it as a way to enhance your "networking skills" in the new year (i've just justified this whole exercise... nice!).
Anyway, here's my cocktail.... "the HYM" (the Handsome Young Man).
the HYM
(a stiff, but stealthy... manly, yet debonaire cocktail)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
– Fill a tumbler or hi-ball with ice... all the way to the top.
– Pour cheap Champagne (a little sweeter) or Prosecco (drier), filling the glass half full.
(I prefer the added touch of sweetness of the cheap champagne... and I'm talking like $7 a bottle cheap. Perfect.)
– Fill the remaining space in the glass half way with Bourbon.
(anything will work here... I like to use Jim Beam or Maker's Mark – depending on budget)
– Take some Pomegranate Liqueur and fill the remaining space in the glass half way as well.
(this won't be a whole lot of liqueur... and you'll need that little bit of space left, trust me)
– Add another splash of the Liqueur... just because it's so tasty and looks pretty.
– Stir and look cool – like you know what you're doing.
– Slice off a nice, fat orange wedge... run it around the rim of the glass forcefully....
– Then give the orange a gentle squeeze and plunk it into your amazing new cocktail (see, you needed that space in the glass...)
– Sip and enjoy responsibly
CAUTION: this drink goes down EASY... so pace yourself and enjoy it. No gulping or chugging, please.
Have a great weekend, everyone. I hope you found my post fun, educational, and completely devoid of anything regarding art direction or graphic design. It's Friday. And I'm hungover.
Jeff C
My favorite is an extra dirty Kettle One martini, but since that always sounds dirty (slutty) when ordering from a male waiter, I have renamed this the "Leah has the Giggles Again Martini." (No, i don't actually cal it this, I just try to use my most monotone vice when ordering.) Remember these wise words (warning) of Michelle before drinking: "One is never enough, and three is too many!"
(not an official recipe - just my haphazard way of making it.)
Use a martini glass to measure. Fill with ice. Pour Kettle One to almost top of glass. Pour the contents of the cup into a shaker. Add more ice. Add a nice amount of Olive juice. Shake until ice is bruised (just shake really hard). I don't put olives in, but feel free to do so for effect. Yummm...TGIF!
Posted by: Leah Kanter | January 09, 2009 at 02:36 PM