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October 30, 2008


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You are so right on with this one!


here is another really important point or two for folks to remember ( and maybe this goes along w/ the subject of thanking the costume stylists and not just the stars when they wear your things and yo get a placement)....first of all, GREAT customer service, which truly is the only place where american companies can compete these days ( we cant really do it on price) is what we have in our promotional arsenal...it costs so very little to make EVERYONE feel special...and that good will goes so far...which brings me to point number two...you never know who those "nobodies" are related to, have for best friends, or how far reaching the blog they write might be...so...if someone feels treated like a 'nobody', word travels fast....if someone feels treated like a 'somebody', it travels fast too...and honestly, you never really know where that "news' is headed!....besides, it is sooo much more fun to treat everyone well....(at least I think so!)

you go girl!

laura james

Great topic, and on the flip side I would like to take this opportunity to comment about the experience I had with editors of the top-tier mags this past week in a suite that I was a part of at The Bryant Park Hotel (several of us in the suite were newbies at the whole in-person editorial event experience and therefore did not know what to expect when meeting these famed writers of the mags we so dutifully devour each month).

Needless to say, we were overcome by the friendliness and overall exuberance for our products exhibited by EVERY SINGLE editor that graced our suite...and there were many. Every appointment slot was booked from 9am until 6pm and the event could not have been a better success- not merely for the fact that we were able to meet and greet the Magazine Gods face to face and give our schpeels, but mostly because of their interest, smiles and listening ears that set the tone for the day, no matter how ragged they might have felt inside from running around all day.
When style maven Bobbi Thomas arrived with her pooch Gucci in tow, her professed desire to promote women was a major haiku to the throngs of us in this business slaving away in hopes that one day someone will take note.

Cheers to the Editors in the Fashion Industry- thank you for making it that much easier to be creative in a very intimidating world!

Laura James
Laura James Jewelry

Michelle Orman

I'm so happy you had such a positive experience, Laura! Congratulations and keep it up!

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