I would never dare insult or speak negatively about Chanel. The fashion house, which has been a front player of haute couture for decades now, is a beacon for what luxury and designer clothing is really all about. That said, I can’t help but feel the pangs of frustration as my mailbox and server fills with blogs and gossip about the new Chanel Blue Satin nail polish. Blue nail polish was predicted to be a huge trend by taste-makers back in September when ads of OPI’s Russian Navy appeared in all the mags. Yet, the many fashion bloggers only hit the keyboard when Chanel’s version of the trend hit the shelves. OPI undeservingly falling into the shadows of Chanel’s spotlight is giving me the blues.
For those of you that read my Dec 4 post, entitled “Seeing New Lights in Old Shades,” you would know that I was wearing OPI’s version of the punk turned glam blue polish trend long before all this buzz began. You also would have heeded my fashion advice, and done so as well. For those of you that did, pat yourself on the back. You are months ahead of this headline breaking news. Just today, Dara Fleisher’s always fun fashion newsletter, FashionJunkie Fix, featured the new shade, pointing out that “the deep cobalt hue…is already infiltrating the streets on Manhattan.” Well, this Manhattan fashionista finds this news unexciting and stale. (No offense Dara – you know I think you rock!) OPI deserves just as much, if not more, time in the spotlight, and this is my attempt to even that keel.
Chanel does deserve major props for their chip resistant formula, and should continue to reap praise like this report from For The Love Of Beauty blogger Roxy.
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